1000 blank white cards
One of my niche interests is a little game called 1000 blank white cards.
Below are the rules:
- Play a card and draw a card during your turn.
- Cards can be played in your own field, someone elses field or in the center (everyones field)
- You can turn a blank card into any rule.
- There are no other rules.
The fun here is that you can continue playing with the cards you create the next time, you can put anything on a card, but while making a card that says "You win" is technically allowed it is not very fun.
The person with the most points in their field at the end of the game "wins" but the game is not really about winning. here are some examples of cards that we created:

What are enemies? they are something we have come up with over the course of the game, some enemies have positive effects and some negative, and you can kill them with summons or maybe The holy bible? the game itself will continue to expand as you add more cards to the deck.

Your might be wondering, thats cool but what exactly does gold do? the answer is nothing yet but the fun in the game is making it so that the cards play on each other. Maybe a trader cards will come along trading gold for magic items, maybe a capitalism card that allows the person with the most gold to take two turns, the possibilities are endless.